APM Terminals
Markedsanalyse for global terminaloperatør
Junior Consult udarbejdede for nylig en større markedsanalyse for den globale terminaloperatør, APM Terminals. Markedanalysen var todelt, hvor den ene del fokuserede på market dynamics og sizing af det Nordatlantiske container-marked, mens den anden del fokuserede på dynamics og sizing af cross-border trade-flows mellem Danmark og Tyskland.
Disse analyser udmundede sig i kortlægning af flere commercial opportunities for APMT Nordic med henblik på at vinde markedsandele. I forlængelse af projektet har vi fået følgende udtalelse fra Igor van den Essen, Vice President, Head of Terminals, Europe:
“We employed Junior Consult to conduct a Market Analysis on the cross-border container flows between Denmark and Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Rotterdam and Antwerp, and an analysis of the trade flows between Denmark and the North Atlantic. We wanted to better understand the size of the market, what drives the market, how the market will look in the future, and if there were any commercial opportunities for us in the market. The dedicated team of consultants from Junior Consult was able to deliver a very rich analysis within a short time frame, and provided inputs that enabled us to shape our strategic narrative for the next couple of years. The Junior Consult concept provides us with a lot of agility, as we quickly are able to source knowledge in a non-traditional way whilst ensuring high quality”
Vi er rigtig stolte over den fine udtalelse, og vi ser hos Junior Consult frem til fremadrettet ligeledes at skabe stor værdi for vores kunder.
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